Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WW Weigh-In #55

Oh hey, how's it going? Here it is, already Wednesday again. And Wednesdays mean the scale and I wasn't sure how to feel about it this week. Fortunately, 'twas good news.

Last week: 194.2 lb
This week: 192.6 lb
Total lost: 1.6 lb

You know, it's only taken me a year to realize this, but I'm finally beginning to accept the hard work that will have to go into losing the weight I want to lose and maintaining that weight loss. When I first started Weight Watchers, the first 10 pounds came off so quickly, which really was just the result of not eating like crap. The next five were not too bad but ever since then it's been a struggle and I know it's because I got cocky and started to ignore the hard work I'd have to keep doing to keep up the momentum.

And it was great to have that success but I stopped appreciating how hard it really was going to be and that's why I've been on such a weight roller coaster for the last eight months. So maybe this is the mental breakthrough that will FINALLY help me get on - and stay on - the right track. \

I know where I want to be but so far I've refused to accept that it's not only going to be hard but that it's going to continue to be hard. But hard is not synonymous with bad; it's just something I will have to work at.

Eventually, healthy eating and making the right choices will be habit for me and I'll make exercise a regular part of my life and then it will be easy. But until then it will take work, it will be hard, it will be a challenge.

Good thing I like a challenge.

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