Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WW Weigh-In #39

It's a holding pattern folks!

Last week: 187.8 lb
This week: 187.8 lb
Total lost this week: 0.0 lb

Weight loss target: 181.8 lb
To reach target: 6.0 lb

I've been thinking a lot about my exercise habits and how, well, lacking they have been of late. Ever since my allergies and asthma conspired to keep me from running, I've really slacked off on working out. So I'm working on a new plan. I have it figured out in my head and I plan to start it today.

What is it, you ask?

I'm not going to share just yet because I have this habit of making all kinds of promises and resolutions and new plans on this blog and then not following through. So I want to make sure I at least get started on my new exercise plan before I commit to anything. I just want to avoid looking too flaky, you know?

But I'll share soon, I promise.

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